Compared with many other sectors, the UK legal profession does has not yet embraced real time, consumer-driven, website rankings.
Currently, the closest equivalents are the widely-respected annual guide produced by Chambers & Partners and The Legal 500, where Griffin Law is frequently mentioned.
These independently-researched guides draw heavily on interviews with law firms’ clients.
The Kent Legal Sector Review is based on the Chambers and Legal 500 rankings, which is translated into numerical scores, with five points for a top band ranking, four points for band two, and so on. The larger the firm, the more sections it will typically be ranked in.
Where both guides analyse the same legal specialism a similar way, a total of 10 points up will be grabs in that section:- five from The Legal 500 and another five from Chambers.
Where one guide covers a specialism, but the other guide does not, the maximum possible score a firm can receive is five.
Recognising that some Kent firms enjoy a nationwide reputation, the main table of top firms across all disciplines adds firms’ UK-wide Chambers’ rankings to their Kent-specific scores.
Griffin Law is a niche firm, specialising in dispute resolution. We are thrilled and appreciative of the recognition from the Kent Legal Sector Review 2022.