Designating a special month to highlight an issue usually comes with more fanfare than Cyber Security Month, but in reality it’s as important to day-to-day life as any disease or workplace initiative and deserves to be a priority in every modern business.
Cyber threats are now amongst the biggest threats to the survival of your business
Did you know that more than three-quarters (77%) of UK workers claim they have never received any form of cyber-skills training from their employer? Centrify, a cyber security that specialises in stopping the leading cause of breaches – privileged access abuse – surveyed 2,000 fulltime professional services workers in the UK, and discovered that 69% of those polled lack confidence in their own ability to keep their data safe and secure. Twenty-seven percent of respondents admitted to using the same password across multiple accounts, while 14% keep passwords recorded in unsecured notebooks. Their findings were reported by Infosecurity Magazine. The article also pointed out that a lackluster approach to critical cyber-awareness could land employers in hot water and Infosecurity Magazine asked Griffin Law to comment on this. Donal Blaney, Director & Principal at Griffin Law pointed out, “Ignorance of the law is no defense. Company directors and business owners owe it to themselves, their staff, their shareholders, and their customers to know how to protect their businesses and their customers’ data. They will only have themselves to blame if this blows up in their face one day.”Hackers, malware infections, a cloud breach, out-of-date mobile apps, corporate espionage, spiteful staff…the list goes on. Any – and every – digital enterprise is under threat all the time..Whether it’s an international criminal ring trying to upload ransomware, or a memory stick infected with a crippling virus inserted by a disgruntled employee, or just plain bad luck, your business can receive a serious blow from the ill effects experienced by failing to properly secure your online data, intellectual property, and confidential information. Data theft and computer ransom are components of a fast-growing and lucrative global criminal industry and it is incumbent upon us all to protect our digital properties, whether they are for personal or corporate use. A review of cybercrime threats during 2019 can be found here. A data breach or loss of working time can be expensive. And worse? It now appears likely that insurers will look closely at refusing claims, or will ramp up the premiums for businesses that are not on top of the problems they face. Believe it or not, almost all data security or cyber-attacks on your business involve co-operation, (deliberate or innocent), by employees of the business under attack, and it’s usually through a failure to follow basic security procedures. Griffin Law not only specializes in managing the situation where your sensitive data has been stolen and misused by employees or those in your supply chain, but also aims to educate businesses to re-think the very nature of cyber security, ensuring that your staff are educated and informed, creating a strong line of defense. Let Griffin Law help you BEFORE you have a cyber breach problem. And if it’s too late, remember, we are the lawyers you want on your side when dealing with any litigation arising from a cyber security incident.
Griffin Law is a dispute resolution firm comprising innovative, proactive, tenacious and commercially-minded lawyers. We pride ourselves on our close client relationships, which are uniquely enhanced by our transparent fee guarantee and a commitment to share the risks of litigation. If you have any specific questions regarding a dispute, please email or call 01732 52 59 23.